Vision / Core Values
We are generating a liberal learning environment, grounded in teamwork, committed to:
• Academic Excellence
• The all-round development of the individual
• The encouragement of leadership and self-expression at all levels of the school system.
We are committed to the efficient and effective use of technologies at our disposal and to continuous improvement of the curriculum, which is designed to prepare the student for the world of work and to lead a moral, spiritual and creative life as a responsible member of society.
Core Values

Open and Honest Communication
– Creating an environment which foster genuine communication.
– Respecting differences of opinion.
– Demonstrating tact and diplomacy.
– Following the official lines of communication.
– Being able to speak your mind without fear of retribution.
– Having a sense of belonging and purpose.
– Having clear definition of roles.
– Maintenance of trust, respect and integrity,
– Paying attention to what people have to say regardless of who is speaking.
– Finding effective ways of dealing with problems.
– Open and honest communication is essential for the attainment of our vision/mission.
– Being honest and transparent in word and action at all times while demonstrating confidentiality, professionalism and tact “Doing what you say. Saying what you do”.
– Having a personal vision and not compromising it.
– Doing good deeds because you know they are right/moral NOT for personal gain or to look good).
– Abandoning personal differences in order to work towards the vision/mission of the organization.
– Creating a greater Team dynamic which allows each individual to align themselves to achieve the vision.
– Being aware of your own strengths and limitations and communicating such in a timely fashion.
– Integrity should be our greatest source of motivation
– Putting the needs of others before the needs of oneself with a sense of willingness focused on holistic development; displaying integrity, respect, open and honest communication.
– Demonstrating pure intentioned, needs driven support that inspires others to emulate and duplicate one’s behaviour.
– Recognizing and responding to the needs of others.
– Establishing an awareness of staff at different levels.
– Understanding that valuable and important contributions are made by all.
– By introducing commitment and quality into the response to the identified needs we ensure excellent service.
– Responding genuinely to other peoples’ points of view or requests while maintaining integrity and preserving their dignity.
– Showing good manners, politeness and humility.
Listening to each other on the ways to achieve a mutual goal.
– Regarding others out of self-awareness, reflection and restrain.
– Having self-respect.
– Demonstrating positive esteem and conduct.
– Showing understanding — can be shown through language, dress, and behaviour.
– Respect should be displayed at all levels and for all persons within the organization and also for the environment and policies. It should not be confused with tolerance and is the opposite of contempt.
Intellectual And Creative Inquiry
– Make wise decisions by integrating your head, heart and gut.
– Seeking information intelligently and creatively.
– Being flexible enough to reconsider decisions when new information becomes available.
– Creating cultures that seek to evaluate and improve everything you do.
– Harnessing analytical and critical thinking skills.
– Using knowledge, concepts and principles
– Demonstrating skills of synthesis, analysis, innovativeness, application.
– Understanding the foundations in order to develop new ideas.
– Understanding our strengths and biases as well as others’ actions, views, opinions.
– Being open to suggestions.
– Demonstrating the ability to assess, adapt and take action.
– Making confident, logical and informed decisions.
– Demonstrating creativity (thinking outside the box).
– Providing meaningful feedback.
– Seeking information by research using all the means available.
– Encouraging students to constantly seek new knowledge by asking questions and by becoming lifelong learners.
– Using new teaching and learning methods in order to facilitate learning in all students.
– Accessing new information as fast as it becomes available, thereby keeping up-to-date.
– Intellectual and creative enquiry requires teamwork, asking the right questions and seeking to make informed decisions that are not prejudiced by one’s biases.