What is the meaning of the word “Bursar”?
A bursar (derived from “bursa”, Latin for purse) is a professional financial administrator in a School, College or University
The Bursary Department at Bishop Anstey High School East and Trinity College East (BATCE) is entrusted by the Board of Management of the schools for the receipt and disbursement of funds received from the Bishop Anstey Association (BAA); {a company registered by the Incorporated Trustees of the Anglican Diocese in Trinidad and Tobago}.
By agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the BAA, dated 29th June 2000, 1,750 places are purchased every year for Government Sponsored Students. Two hundred and forty places have been added through the commencement of a Sixth Form at the schools.
Bishop Anstey High School East and Trinity College East were registered on 15th July 2003 as Private Schools under the Ministry of Education (Registration Numbers 1372 and 1373).
The Bursary is responsible for the funds paid by the Ministry of Education as well as any monies raised through activities of students of the school.

Elaine Kappel-Ovre

Rachel Saunds-Thompson

Jason Rocke