BAHSE - Registration

Form 1 Registration Workflow

1. Parent Registers and Adds Student Information Online

Parent Prints the Completed Registration Page

Parent Keeps to Drop off at School

2. Parent Navigates to Schools’ Online Shop

Parent Makes Contribution Online and Prints Payment Page

Parent Keeps to Drop off at School

3. Parent Downloads Additional Forms Online

Parent Prints and Fills out the Forms

Parent Keeps to Drop off at School

4. Parent Retrieves their Child’s Personal Documents

Parent Scans and Prints their Child’s Personal Documents

Parent Keeps the Copies to Drop off at School and also Walks with their Original Documents to School

Stage 1: Parent and Student Registration

Parent copy the link below to your browser or scan the QR Code below:

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a Parent account.
  2. Add the student information.
  3. Print the completed document.
  4. Keep the print to drop off at School.

Need Help?

Watch the Video Tutorial below:


Stage 2: Schools’ Contribution

Click the link below to make School Contribution online:

Need Help?
Watch the Video Tutorial below:


Stage 3: Download additional Forms

Follow these steps:

  1. Parents please download and print the forms linked below.
  2. Fill out the Forms and keep to drop off at the School.


Stage 4: Retrieve and print Personal documents

Follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve, scan and prints the child’s personal documents.
  2. Drop off at School.

To complete your registration, you are required to present the following documents:

 a) SEA Placement Slip

 b) Original Birth Certificate and a copy– an affidavit must be produced where the student’s name is not shown or not the same as on the Birth Certificate. If student was not born in Trinidad and Tobago, proof of citizenship/residence/ permit must be provided. A Trinidad and Tobago passport / proof of dual citizenship / Certificate of Immigration Status / valid student permit must be presented. (A copy must also be brought in to keep on student’s file)

 c) One recent passport size picture with your daughter’s/ward’s name written on the back.

 d) Signed School Agreement Form.

 e) Signed Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy Document

 f) Immunization card and copy


Uniform Prices and Online purchase
Click the link below to view Uniform prices or to purchase online.

Copy the link below to view the Online Uniform Purchase Video Tutorial:


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